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Welcome to the TOP page for Pagan Living!

10 most read stories
  1. Goddess Runes - (716 reads)
  2. Ephemeris Explained - (662 reads)
  3. Void Of Course Moon - (563 reads)
  4. Altar Requirements - (515 reads)
  5. The Moon's Quarters and Signs - (486 reads)
  6. Test Your Aura Colors - (392 reads)
  7. How Do I Know Who My Guardian Angel Is? - (353 reads)
  8. How to Create a Room as a Sanctuary - (350 reads)
  9. The Altar and the Position of Tools - (323 reads)
  10. Building your own Altar - (317 reads)
10 best rated stories (based on 5 maximum points)
  1. Goddess Runes - (4.73 points)
  2. Ephemeris Explained - (5 points)
  3. How Do I Know Who My Guardian Angel Is? - (4.92 points)
  4. Lessons You Will Not Find in Books - (4.71 points)
  5. The Moon's Quarters and Signs - (4.58 points)
  6. Void Of Course Moon - (4.9 points)
  7. Test Your Aura Colors - (4.7 points)
  8. Light Your Lover's Fire! - (5 points)
  9. The Altar and the Position of Tools - (4.11 points)
  10. Altar Requirements - (4.62 points)
10 most commented stories
  1. Find Your Lucky Leprechaun - (4 comments)
  2. Orbs - (4 comments)
  3. Stress - (3 comments)
  4. Wiccan or Witch? - (3 comments)
  5. How Could You? - (3 comments)
  6. Protective Prayer for Soldiers - (2 comments)
  7. Hex Signs and Descriptions - (2 comments)
  8. Five Gifts You Should Never Give - (2 comments)
  9. Nightmares - (2 comments)
  10. What is Empathy? - (2 comments)
10 most active categories
  1. Esbats - (60 Hits)
  2. Circle Casting - (55 Hits)
  3. Initiations - (46 Hits)
  4. Ritual Elements - (45 Hits)
  5. Consecration - (33 Hits)
  6. Various Notes - (4 Hits)
  7. The Laws - (3 Hits)
10 most active news submitters
  1. Eve_Morrigan - (4 news sent)
  2. Indeshadows - (3 news sent)
  3. CERNUNNOSNO1 - (3 news sent)
  4. mare_vitalis - (3 news sent)
  5. ShiningWolf - (2 news sent)
  6. Iris - (2 news sent)
  7. white-one - (1 news sent)
  8. Faerie_Mischief - (1 news sent)
  9. ladylark - (1 news sent)
  10. munchi - (1 news sent)
10 most active authors
  1. Lady_Elaine - (85 news published)
  2. Battery - (3 news published)
10 most downloaded files
  1. The Secret E-Book (Category: **The Greatest Secret**) - (326 downloads)
  2. Book of Shadows (Category: Pagan Software) - (232 downloads)
  3. Pendulum Charts (Category: Pendulum Charts) - (162 downloads)
  4. Book of Shadows (Category: Pagan / Wiccan) - (156 downloads)
  5. Witch Icons (Category: Pagan Software) - (139 downloads)
  6. Healing with Herbs (Category: Pagan Software) - (124 downloads)
  7. Wicca 101 (Category: Pagan / Wiccan) - (101 downloads)
  8. Modern Shamanism One~Walking Between the Worlds (Category: Modern Shamanism) - (97 downloads)
  9. Herbal Guide Reference (Category: Pagan / Wiccan) - (97 downloads)
  10. Lavender (19 pages of info, very useful) (Category: Pagan / Wiccan) - (96 downloads)
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